Module Satml_frontend.Make


module _ : Theory.S


type t
exception Sat
exception Unsat of Explanation.t
exception I_dont_know
val empty : ?selector:(Expr.t -> bool) -> unit -> t

empty ~selector () creates an empty environment.

The optional argument selector is used to filter ground facts discovered by the instantiation engine.

val declare : t -> Id.typed -> unit

declare env id declares a new identifier id.

If the environment env isn't unsatisfiable and the model generation is enabled, the solver produces a model term for id which can be retrieved with get_model.

val push : t -> int -> unit

push env n adds n new assertion levels in env.

Internally, for each new assertion level, a fresh guard g is created and all formulas f assumed at this assertion level is replaced by g ==> f.

The guard g is forced to be true but not propagated at level 0.

val pop : t -> int -> unit

pop env n removes n assertion levels in env.

Internally, the guard g introduced in push corresponding to this pop is propagated to false at level 0.

  • raises Errors.Error

    if there is no n assertion levels in env.

val assume : t -> Expr.gformula -> Explanation.t -> unit

assume env f dep assumes the ground formula f in env. The dep argument can be used to generate an unsat core.

  • raises Unsat

    if f is unsatisfiable in env.

val assume_th_elt : t -> Expr.th_elt -> Explanation.t -> unit

assume env f exp assumes a new formula f with the explanation exp in the theory environment of env.

val pred_def : t -> Expr.t -> string -> Explanation.t -> Dolmen.Std.Loc.loc -> unit

pred_def env f assumes a new predicate definition f in env.

val optimize : t -> Objective.Function.t -> unit

optimize env fn registers the objective function fn.

After optimization, the value of this objective is returned by get_objectives.

val unsat : t -> Expr.gformula -> Explanation.t

unsat env f checks the unsatisfiability of f in env.

  • raises I_dont_know

    if the solver cannot prove the unsatisfiability of env.

  • raises Sat

    if f is satisfiable in env.

val reset_refs : unit -> unit
val reinit_ctx : unit -> unit

reinit_ctx () reinitializes the solving context.

val get_model : t -> Models.t option

get_model t produces the current first-order model. Notice that this model is a best-effort.

  • returns

    None if the model generation is not enabled or the environment is unsatisfiable.

val get_unknown_reason : t -> Sat_solver_sig.unknown_reason option

get_unknown_reason t returns the reason Alt-Ergo raised I_dont_know if it did. If it did not, returns None.

val get_value : t -> Expr.t -> Expr.t option

get_value t e returns the value of e as a constant expression in the current model generated. Returns None if can't decide.

val get_objectives : t -> Objective.Model.t option

get_objectives t returns the current objective values.

  • returns

    None if there is no objective or the environment is unsatisfiable.

val supports_optimization : bool

Returns whether the solver supports optimization.