
From a package manager

Alt-ergo is available on opam, the ocaml package manager with the following command :

opam install alt-ergo

This command will install the Alt-ergo library alt-ergo-lib and the parsers alt-ergo-parsers, as well as other librairies detailled in dependencies.

Since version 2.6.0, Alt-Ergo is compatible with opam 2.2 installations using both Cygwin and MSYS2 on Windows. To setup opam on Windows, please follow the instructions here.

From GitHub releases (Linux and macOS)

For convenience, binary releases for Linux and macOS (amd64 and arm64) of Alt-Ergo are provided on the GitHub release page. These binary releases are statically linked and very portable. They are distributed under the same licensing restrictions as the source code.

From sources


External dependencies graph generated with dune-deps (use make archi for source files dependencies):

To compile the sources of the library alt-ergo-lib and the binary alt-ergo, you will need the following libraries :

  ocaml >= 4.08.1
  dune >= 3.0
  dolmen >= 0.10
  dolmen_type >= 0.10
  dolmen_loop >= 0.10
  ocplib-simplex >= 0.5.1
  zarith >= 1.11
  fmt >= 0.9.0
  ppx_blob >= 0.7.2
  camlzip >= 1.07
  cmdliner >= 1.1.0
  psmt2-frontend >= 0.4

You can install dependencies using:

$ make deps

and create a development switch with:

$ make dev-switch

Build and Install

The steps below will build and install native or bytecode binaries depending on whether ocamlopt is installed or only ocamlc is detected.

Note: these are somewhat obsolete; nowadays you can just use dune

Everything (binaries, plugins, library, …)

  1. Compile with make

  2. Install with make install-all

  3. Uninstall with make uninstall-all

Alt-Ergo library

  1. Compile with make alt-ergo-lib

  2. Install with make install-lib

Alt-Ergo parsers

  1. Compile with make alt-ergo-parsers

  2. Install with make install-parsers

Alt-Ergo binary

  1. Compile with make alt-ergo

  2. Install with make install-bin

Alt-Ergo with Nodejs

You can install dependencies using:

$ make js-deps
  1. Compile with make js-node

For this build rule you will need the following aditional libraries :

js_of_ocaml >= 5.4.0
zarith_stubs_js >= v0.16.1

Alt-Ergo web worker

  1. Compile with make js-worker

For this build rule you will need the following aditional libraries :

js_of_ocaml >= 5.4.0
zarith_stubs_js >= v0.16.1

Alt-Ergo web worker small example

  1. Compile with make js-example

This command create a www/ directory in which you can find a small js example running in the index.html file

For this build rule you will need the following aditional libraries :

js_of_ocaml >= 5.4.0
zarith_stubs_js >= v0.16.1


The steps below will build and install additional plugins (extension .cmxs if ocamlopt is installed or .cma if only ocamlc is detected).

The SatML Plugin

satML is now inlined and compiled directly with Alt-Ergo’s source code

The Fm-Simplex Plugin

  1. Compile with make fm-simplex

  2. The Fm-Simplex plugin is currently built and installed at the same time as the alt-ergo binary.

The AB-Why3 parser plugin

  1. Compile with make AB-Why3

  2. The AB-Why3 plugin is currently built and installed at the same time as the alt-ergo binary.

You can find more information in the AB-Why3 README

The profiler plugin

This plugin has been “inlined” in Alt-Ergo sources.